1) Memiliki pengetahuan dan kemampuan menampilkan perilaku sebagai warga negara yang agamis, mencintai negara, bangsa, dan budaya Indonesia berdasarkan jiwa Pancasila, serta memiliki kemandirian dalam berkarya secara inovatif, adaptif dan kritis sesuai dengan dinamika global.
1) Have the knowledge and ability to behave as citizens who are pious, with a love for the state, nation, and Indonesian culture and a Pancasila spirit, and independent at work, innovatively, adaptively, and critically, according to the global dynamics.
2) Memiliki pengetahuan dan berkemampuan ketrampilan dalam memahami konsep-konsep dasar ilmu ekonomi dan bisnis dalam penguasaan inti utama landasan dasar keilmuan manajemen, akuntansi, ekonomi dan statistika yang didukung kemampuan berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris, serta memiliki sikap yang kreatif, mandiri dan responsif terhadap dinamika perubahan teknologi ekonomi dan bisnis digital
2) Have the knowledge and skills to understand the basic concepts of economics and business to master the foundations of management, accounting, economics, and statistics, as well as the ability to communicate in English, and be creative, independent, and responsive to the dynamics of digital economic and business technologies
3) Memiliki nilai dan wawasan keilmuan Pendidikan dan pembelajaran secara teoritik dan aplikatif dalam bingkai budaya Indonesia, dalam perannya sebagai pendidik yang kritis, inovatif, adaptif, dan komunikatif sesuai dengan karakter dan budaya peserta didik di era global.
3) Having values and scientific insights into education and learning theoretically which are applicable within the frame of Indonesian culture, in their role as educators and education personnel who are critical, innovative, and communicative, as well as adaptive to the students’ character and culture in this global era.
4) Mampu menganalisis dan menerapkan konsep ilmu ekonomi secara mandiri dalam memahami kondisi perkembangan ekonomi dengan menguasai dasar-dasar ilmu bidang ekonomi pembangunan
4) Be able to analyze and apply economic concepts independently in the effort to understand the conditions that arise in economic development by mastering the basics of development economics.
5) Mengaplikasikan alat analisis ekonomi untuk mengkaji permasalahan ekonomi, serta mampu bersikap kritis, logis, dan sistematis dalam menganalisis permasalahan ekonomi pembangunan dengan menggunakan IPTEKS
5) Apply economic analysis tools to study economic problems, and be able to be critical, logical, and systematic in analysing development economic problems using science and technology.
6) Mampu secara analitis dan kreatif merancang dan melaksanakan penelitian di bidang pendidikan ekonomi berdasarkan penguasaan terhadap konsep, prinsip, prosedur, pendekatan dan kaidah-kaidah ilmiah yang berlaku dan kemampuan mendayagunakan teknologi pengolahan data.
6) Be able to analytically and creatively design and conduct research in the field of economic education based on the mastery of the scientific concepts, principles, procedures, approaches, and procedures applicable and the ability to use data processing technologies.
7) Mampu menganalisis konsep, prinsip pembelajaran ekonomi dan terampil menerapkan pada proses pembelajaran yang didukung oleh kapabilitas dalam bidang pendidikan ekonomi dan berintegritas tinggi pada profesi.
7) Be able to analyze economics learning concepts and principles and be skilful in applying them in the learning process, with the support of capabilities in the field of economic education and a high level of integrity in the profession.
8) Menguasai teori-teori sosial ekonomi dan kelembagaan, serta mampu merumuskan kebijakan yang inovatif di bidang ekonomi pembangunan secara transdisipliner yang berlandaskan jiwa entrepreneurship.
8) Master socioeconomic and institutional theories and be able to formulate innovative policies in the field of development economics on a transdisciplinary basis with a spirit of entrepreneurship.
Profil Lulusan
Graduates of the Bachelor of Economics Education are considered fit and capable as Economics Teachers at the secondary education level, both in formal and non-formal educational institutions. However, the courses and skills acquired also provide opportunities for students for other jobs. Graduates of the Bachelor of Economics Education have also succeeded as professionals in Economic learning media developers, banking, low-medium level managers, and entrepreneurs.
Graduates of the Bachelor of Economics Education are considered fit and capable as Economics Teachers at the secondary education level, both in formal and non-formal educational institutions. However, the courses and skills acquired also provide opportunities for students for other jobs. Graduates of the Bachelor of Economics Education have also succeeded as professionals in Economic learning media developers, banking, low-medium level managers, and entrepreneurs.
No | Kode (Code) | Nama Mata Kuliah (Course Name) | SKS | JS | ECTS | Workload | Contact | Independent study | Semester | WP | Prasyarat | Level | SCPL/ Sub |
Mata kuliah Dasar Pengembangan Karakter (MDPK) | |||||||||||||
1 | UNIVUM6001 | Pendidikan Agama Islam (Islamic Education) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 2,00 | W | Tidak | Universitas | |
2 | UNIVUM6002 | Pendidikan Agama Protestan (Protestant Education) |
3 | UNIVUM6003 | Pendidikan Agama Katholik (Catholic Education) |
4 | UNIVUM6004 | Pendidikan Agama Hindu (Hindu Education) |
5 | UNIVUM6005 | Pendidikan Agama Budha (Buddhist Education) |
6 | UNIVUM6006 | Pendidikan Agama Konghuchu (Konghuchu Education) |
7 | UNIVUM6014 | Pendidikan Kepercayaan (Spiritual Education) |
8 | UNIVUM6007 | Pendidikan Pancasila (Pancasila Education) |
2 | 2 | 3,33 | 83,33 | 23,33 | 60,00 | 1,00 | W | Tidak | Universitas | |
9 | UNIVUM6008 | Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan (Citizenship Education) |
2 | 2 | 3,33 | 83,33 | 23,33 | 60,00 | 4,00 | W | Tidak | Universitas | |
10 | UNIVUM6009 | Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian Language Education) |
2 | 2 | 3,33 | 83,33 | 23,33 | 60,00 | 3,00 | W | Tidak | Universitas | |
11 | UNIVUM6010 | Manajemen Inovasi (Innovation Management) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 5,00 | W | Tidak | Universitas | |
TOTAL MDPK (1) | 12 | 12 | 19,84 | ||||||||||
Mata Kuliah Keilmuan dan Keahlian (MKK) | |||||||||||||
12 | UNIVUM6011 | Pengantar Kependidikan (Introduction to Educational Science) |
2 | 2 | 3,33 | 83,33 | 23,33 | 60,00 | 1,00 | W | Tidak | Universitas | |
13 | UNIVUM6012 | Perkembangan Peserta Didik (Learner’s Development) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 2,00 | W | Ya | Universitas | |
14 | UNIVUM6013 | Belajar dan Pembelajaran (Learning and Teaching) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 3,00 | W | Ya | Universitas | |
15 | FEKOUM6001 | Pengantar Ilmu Ekonomi (Introduction to Economics) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 1,00 | W | Tidak | Fakultas | |
16 | FEKOUM6002 | Pengantar Manajemen (Introduction to Management) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 1,00 | W | Tidak | Fakultas | |
17 | FEKOUM6003 | Pengantar Akuntansi (Introduction to Accounting) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 1,00 | W | Tidak | Fakultas | |
18 | FEKOUM6004 | Statistika (Statistics) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 4,00 | W | Tidak | Fakultas | |
19 | FEKOUM6005 | Bahasa Inggris Ekonomi dan Bisnis (English for Economic and Business) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 2,00 | W | Tidak | Fakultas | |
20 | FEKOUM6006 | Ekonomi dan Bisnis Digital (Digital Economics and Business) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 6,00 | W | Tidak | Fakultas | |
21 | PEKOUM6001 | Pengembangan Bahan dan Media Pembelajaran Ekonomi (Development of Materials and Media in Teaching Economic) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 3,00 | W | Tidak | Program Studi | |
22 | PEKOUM6002 | Strategi Pembelajaran Ekonomi (Strategy of Teaching Economics) |
4 | 4 | 6,51 | 162,67 | 46,67 | 116,00 | 2,00 | W | Tidak | Program Studi | |
23 | PEKOUM6003 | Evaluasi Proses dan Hasil Belajar Ekonomi (Learning Process and Product Evaluation of Economics) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 4,00 | W | Tidak | Program Studi | |
24 | PEKOUM6004 | Perencanaan Pembelajaran Ekonomi (Teaching-Learning Planning of Economics) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 5,00 | W | Tidak | Program Studi | |
25 | PEKOUM6005 | Penelitian Kependidikan Ekonomi (Educational Research of Economics) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 6,00 | W | Ya | Program Studi | |
26 | PEKOUM6006 | Pembelajaran Mikro (Microteaching) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 6,00 | W | Ya | Program Studi | |
27 | PEKOUM6007 | Seminar Pendidikan Ekonomi (Seminar on Economic Education) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 6,00 | W | Ya | Program Studi | |
28 | PEKOUM6008 | Profisiensi Bahasa Inggris (English Proficiency) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 1,00 | W | Tidak | Program Studi | |
29 | PEKOUM6009 | Ekonomi Pembangunan (Development Economics) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 5,00 | W | Ya | Program Studi | |
30 | PEKOUM6010 | Akuntansi Keuangan (Financial Accounting) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 2,00 | W | Ya | Program Studi | |
31 | PEKOUM6011 | Ekonomi Mikro 1 (Microeconomics 1) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 2,00 | W | Ya | Program Studi | |
32 | PEKOUM6012 | Ekonomi Makro 1 (Macroeconomics 1) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 2,00 | W | Ya | Program Studi | |
33 | PEKOUM6013 | Perekonomian Indonesia (Economy of Indonesia) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 5,00 | W | Tidak | Program Studi | |
34 | PEKOUM6014 | Ekonomi Internasional (International Economics) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 4,00 | W | Tidak | Program Studi | |
35 | PEKOUM6015 | Ekonomi Moneter (Monetary Economics) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 4,00 | W | Tidak | Program Studi | |
36 | PEKOUM6016 | Ekonomi Mikro 2 (Microeconomics 2) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 3,00 | W | Ya | Program Studi | |
37 | PEKOUM6017 | Ekonomi Makro 2 (Macroeconomics 2) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 3,00 | W | Ya | Program Studi | |
38 | PEKOUM6019 | Matematika Ekonomi dan Bisnis (Mathematics for Economic and Business) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 3,00 | W | Ya | Program Studi | |
39 | PEKOUM6022 | Kewirausahaan (Entrepreneurship) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 6,00 | W | Tidak | Program Studi | |
40 | PEKOUM6100 | Skripsi (Undergraduate Thesis) |
6 | 6 | 10,88 | 272,00 | 0,00 | 272,00 | 8,00 | W | Ya | Program Studi | |
41 | UKKNUM6090 | Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) (Service to the Community Practices) |
4 | 4 | 7,25 | 181,33 | 0,00 | 181,33 | 7,00 | W | Ya | Program Studi | |
42 | UPLPUM6090 | Pengenalan Lapangan Persekolahan (PLP) (Orientation to the School Activities) |
4 | 4 | 7,25 | 181,33 | 0,00 | 181,33 | 7,00 | W | Ya | Program Studi | |
TOTAL MKK (2) | 98 | 98 | 163,15 | ||||||||||
Matakuliah Peminatan dan Pengembangan Diri (MPPD) | |||||||||||||
43 | PEKOUM6018 | Ekonomi Publik (Public Economics) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 5,00 | W | Tidak | Program Studi | |
44 | PEKOUM6020 | Sejarah Pemikiran Ekonomi (History of Economic Thought) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 4,00 | W | Tidak | Program Studi | |
45 | PEKOUM6021 | Ekonometrika 2 (Econometrics 2) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 6,00 | W | Ya | Program Studi | |
46 | PEKOUM6023 | Ekonomi Kelembagaan (Institutional Economics) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 6,00 | W | Tidak | Program Studi | |
47 | PEKOUM6024 | Bank dan Lembaga Keuangan Bukan Bank (Bank and Non Bank Financial Institutions) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 6,00 | W | Tidak | Program Studi | |
48 | PEKOUM6025 | Ekonomi Regional (Regional Economics) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 6,00 | W | Tidak | Program Studi | |
49 | PEKOUM6026 | Matematika Ekonomi Lanjut (Advanced Mathematics for Economic) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 6,00 | W | Ya | Program Studi | |
50 | PEKOUM6027 | Aspek Hukum Ekonomi dan Bisnis (Legal Aspects of Economic and Business) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 2,00 | W | Tidak | Program Studi | |
51 | PEKOUM6028 | Ekonomi Koperasi (Co-operative Economics) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 4,00 | W | Tidak | Program Studi | |
52 | PEKOUM6029 | Studi Kelayakan dan Evaluasi Proyek (Feasibility Study and Project Evaluation) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 5,00 | W | Tidak | Program Studi | |
53 | PEKOUM6030 | Kebanksentralan (Central Banking) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 4,00 | W | Tidak | Program Studi | |
54 | PEKOUM6031 | Ekonomi Sumberdaya Manusia (Human Resource Economics) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 5,00 | W | Ya | Program Studi | |
55 | PEKOUM6032 | Ekonomi Sumberdaya Alam & Lingkungan (Natural & Environment Resource Economics) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 5,00 | W | Tidak | Program Studi | |
56 | PEKOUM6033 | Perencanaan Pembangunan (Development Planning) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 5,00 | W | Tidak | Program Studi | |
57 | PEKOUM6034 | Ekonomi Kependudukan (Demographic Economy) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 4,00 | W | Tidak | Program Studi | |
58 | PEKOUM6035 | Sistem Ekonomi (Economic Systems) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 4,00 | W | Tidak | Program Studi | |
59 | PEKOUM6036 | Ekonomi Perpajakan 1 (Taxation Economics 1) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 4,00 | W | Tidak | Program Studi | |
60 | PEKOUM6037 | Ekonometrika 1 (Econometrics 1) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 4,00 | W | Tidak | Program Studi | |
61 | PEKOUM6038 | Ekonomi Pendidikan (Education Economic) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 6,00 | W | Tidak | Program Studi | |
62 | PEKOUM6039 | Pengantar Bisnis (Introduction to Business) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 1,00 | W | Tidak | Program Studi | |
TOTAL MPPD WAJIB LULUS (3) | 36 | 36 | 59,04 | ||||||||||
TOTAL (1) + (2) + (3) | 146 | 146 | 242,03 | ||||||||||
Mata Kuliah Transdisipliner | |||||||||||||
1 | FEKOUM6006 | Ekonomi dan Bisnis Digital (Digital Economics and Business) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 6,00 | W | Tidak | Program Studi | |
2 | PEKOUM6003 | Evaluasi Proses dan Hasil Belajar Ekonomi (Learning Process and Product Evaluation of Economics) | 3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 6,00 | W | Tidak | Program Studi | |
3 | PEKOUM6004 | Perencanaan Pembelajaran Ekonomi (Teaching-Learning Planning of Economics) | 3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 6,00 | W | Tidak | Program Studi | |
4 | PEKOUM6006 | Pembelajaran Mikro (Microteaching) | 3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 6,00 | W | Tidak | Program Studi | |
5 | PEKOUM6009 | Ekonomi Pembangunan (Development Economics) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 6,00 | W | Tidak | Program Studi | |
6 | PEKOUM6013 | Perekonomian Indonesia (Economy of Indonesia) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 6,00 | W | Tidak | Program Studi | |
7 | PEKOUM6014 | Ekonomi Internasional (International Economics) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 6,00 | W | Tidak | Program Studi | |
8 | PEKOUM6022 | Kewirausahaan (Entrepreneurship) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 6,00 | W | Tidak | Program Studi | |
9 | PEKOUM6028 | Ekonomi Koperasi (Co-operative Economics) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 6,00 | W | Tidak | Program Studi | |
10 | PEKOUM6036 | Ekonomi Perpajakan 1 (Taxation Economics 1) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 6,00 | W | Tidak | Program Studi | |
11 | PEKOUM6037 | Ekonometrika 1 (Econometrics 1) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 6,00 | W | Tidak | Program Studi | |
12 | PEKOUM6038 | Ekonomi Pendidikan (Education Economic) |
3 | 3 | 4,92 | 123,00 | 35,00 | 88,00 | 6,00 | W | Tidak | Program Studi |
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah Pengembangan Karakter
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah Inti fakultas
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah Program Studi
Dokumen Pengembangan Kurikulum